Free web server provisioning and management

Install easily with one command within minutes

App screenshot

Works with all providers

Digital Ocean
Google Cloud
Amazon Web Services

Everything you need

All-in-one platform

We provision your server with the best software and support of the community.

PHP version of your choice
7.3, 7.4 or 8.0
Free SSL certificates
With Let's Encrypt
5.7 or 8.0
NPM / Yarn
Handled with NVM
1 or 2
Auto security updates
All taken care of
To be blazing fast
For caching

Install now! Ready in minutes.

Run the command in the terminal on your fresh Ubuntu 20.04 server

curl | bash

Frequently asked questions

Why is it free?
So we can build the best server provisioning and management tool together with the community.
Is it secure?
Absolutely! We configure security updates, a firewall and SSH best practices. Besides that; it's open source so you can see exactly what and how things are configured.
I want ... on my server!
Alright; open up an issue or pull request and let's see what we can do!
You're doing it wrong, ... is much better!
Cool, help us with a pull request to archive the same if you would like to have that for free.